What the humans want to do

A post about engagement requirements for government systems.
Just posted this on LinkedIn and thought I should put it here as well.

At one point in my career I was in a position where my mission was to “operationalize public engagement”, the context was open government, open policy making, better services and the rest of it. Anyway, leaving that position I felt that I had a bunch of knowledge that should be left behind and I spent some time documenting what I had learned. This presentation was one that I was asked to prepare but never made it out of the gate due to an internal reorganization, instead of leaving it to die entirely I made a little video.

I recently discovered the video languishing in a hard drive and Pia Andrews recent posts reminded me that it might be worth sharing for those that are thinking about such things, in this case it is about engagement as part of better government.

Engagement lies at the heart of the business of government, and humans lie at the heart of that business. I am convinced we can do better with engagement at all levels and that by doing so, we will improve services, policy and build trust.

The presentation touches on policy, service, procurement, strategy and human centric approaches. It attempts to outline the requirements for enterprise systems to support sincere and effective engagement in a digital age.

This is all my opinion at the time, unofficial in every way.

About Thom Kearney

Change agent, teacher, arts, science, open government, father, mentor, storyteller, husband, dog owner,collaborator, not necessarily in that order.
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